Dear Younger Me,
Dropping out of school is a bad idea. Yes the bills are hard to pay but your support system will be there for you. Swallow your pride and ask for help. You'll be able to return the favor soon enough.
-Signed- Your more regretful self
Dear Freshman-Year Me,
Save as much money as you can NOW! The rent for this apartment sucks.
-Signed, Broke As A Joke Me.
Dear Young Me,
Don't leave just because of the drugs. You will regret it. He is the best thing to happen to you, even if it gets hard for a while.
-Love, Me
Dear Young Me,
It's okay if you don't get everything you want.
-stay positive
Dear Young Me,
Follow your passion and go to art school. No matter how 'impractical' your dad says it is. Oh, and don't wait 6 years to ditch the lying boyfriend, your life will flourish without him.
-Finally getting started
Deay Young Me,
Don't let your fear of rejection stop you from coming out. It so much easier and brighter and happier when you say it.
-Love, Gay Me
Dear Younger Me,
Don't cheat on him with someone who doesn't even care about you. He will give you an infection and leave your ass. The boy you're with loves you more than life itself and he would literally die for you. You're so stupid for throwing that all away.. He never deserved you in the first place.
-Slightly Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
You Deserve The Stars Above; Know Your Worth.
-Strong Me