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Dear young me,
 Don't drop out of school, A part time job isn't worth it. and your going to miss out on a lot.
-someone in debt
Dear Young Me,
 Forget what everyone says.Do what you want,but never forget to love the right person,if you love the wrong one,it will fuck you up.
-Future Chick,OxfordLova
Dear Young Me,
 You'll still have the great imagination you have now, and you'll get far less awkward. Thanks for teaching me to appreciate the beauty of youth. And don't worry, you know that whole "boys don't like me" thing? It changes. A lot.
-Still You at Heart
Dear Young Me,
 She cheated and lied on you, I know it's been a hard for you, but hey, you've had a wonderful time so far being an Air Force Cadet and going to college in a tropical paradise. Keep living it up and just forget about her. It get's a lot better from here.
-A much more relaxed and happier me
Dear Young Me,
 The self-titled "maverick" you want to date? Don't. He's the biggest mistake you'll ever make.
-Signed, Older Abused Me
Dear Young Me,
 i miss you
-signed older you
Dear Young Me,
 I won't look back on the nights where you got plenty of sleep.
-Older You
Dear Young Me,
 You're not going to find self confidence in some guy's pants. Learn to love yourself, by yourself.
-Love, Older Me
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