Dear lil me,
One word. Discipline.
-wayward in the wasteland
Dear Young Me,
Never take that knife to your skin
It gets better;
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
Two years later, it still hurts more than ever. Stop making the same stupid mistakes!
-Still Suffering The Consequences
Dear Young Me,
Don't assume you know for sure what you want or you don't want. Don't be afraid of changing your mind.
-The Future Changes
Dear Young Me,
Tell her. She says yes, and you'll be two years further into your relationship than you currently are. It's pretty great.
Dear Young Me,
You are not bad or broken in any way. It's your abusive family. Find someone that really listens to you and that you can trust, then have them help you escape. You deserve to be happy and excited to try things, not terrified of being hurt or killed. I love you and so do others.
-Love, your older self
Dear Young Me,
DON'T go to that party. The regret you'll experience later isn't worth the acceptance from the "friends" you wanted then.
-older me