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Dear Young Me,
 Accept what you know is true. Once you come out, everything is a lot easier. But don't wait so long... that part hurts.
-Happily partnered you
Dear Young Me,
 It will get better, I promise. Keep your head up, your heart whole, and your faith strong.
- Living Proof.
Dear Young Me,
 I know it feels like hurting yourself is the only way to deal with your pain. It's not.
-Scars for life.
Dear Young Me,
 Forgive your best friend and forget about his girlfriend, they will break up! Don't let him go away because of her! He's the best one and you won't find another
-Older You
Dear Young Me,
 Smile. Stop being so grumpy, the world is not against you. Just get over it and have fun, or you will miss out on quite a few years of your life being bored and miserable.
-Cheerful me
Dear young & naive me,
 You know those sinking feelings you get that he's cheating and lying? Listen to those feelings...they are right. He'll tell you that himself about 6 years later...and you won't care at all because you'll be in the relationship you were searching for all along. :)
-Your older, incredibly happy self
Dear Young Me,
 Thank you for not giving up on loving him, he is the best thing that will ever happen to you (us, me). p.s.- We are getting married soon, just to brighten your outlook.
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
 Get over him, it's easier than you thought. Besides, he leaves you for another girl after that summer that you thought you were closer than ever. Don't wait seven years - he's not worth it, I promise!
-Older Me.
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