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Dear Young Me,
 You're gonna get kicked out when you're 17, don't drink. Trust me. I don't want what happened to me to happen to you.
-Signed, Just Looking out.
Dear Young Me,
 I know you said that you'd be together forever and get married and have two children and two dogs and a nice house and live happily ever after, but that dream wasn't supposed to happen with him. There's always someone better waiting for you just around the corner. You left for a reason.
-Slightly older Me
Dear Young Me,
 Don't put up with something if you're not happy; do whatever you can to change things until you are. Life is supposed to fill you with joy, not sadness.
-19 year-old me
Dear Young Me,
 The trumpet player you kissed is not nearly as wonderful as his best friend tenor saxophone player you are going to fall head over heels for and marry!
-In love, older you
Dear Young Me,
 Trust your gut. It hasn't been wrong yet.
-More mature me
Dear Young Me,
 Keep up the good work!
-The studying pays off
Dear Younger Me,
 What the hell were you thinking?
-I finally thought things through
Dear Young Me,
 Even silent rebellion is rebellion. Rebel.
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