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Dear Young Me,
 You know that drawer in Mom's night stand you're supposed to stay out of? Seriously, kid... Stay the fuck out of that drawer!
-Quite serious
Dear Young Me,
 Your rage is like a cancer in you. Relax.
-(slightly) Better
Dear Young Me,
 Just so you know the tears will stop, the pain will ease, and the memories will fade. But the longing in your heart...yeah that's still there.
-Can't let go
Dear Young Me,
 Enjoy your strength and health
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
 Discover your world and then with all your heart, give yourself to it. You're going to ROCK!
-Future me
Dear Seventeen-Year Old Me,
 That 'weird' guy who keeps talking to you in Algebra actually turns out to be your future husband. Never say never.
-Sincerely, Older Me
Dear Young Me,
 The scars will fade, but those who love you won't. Fight for him, he's willing to kiss those cuts better.
-Healed me
Dear Young Me,
 Quit obsessing over him. Sure, his body is rockin, but he's kind of a goofball. Also, you're going to be best friends with him in two years.
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Stuff No One Told Me

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