Dear Young Me,
All the pain you're going through is worth it. In the end, you'll get what you've wanted all along. And just know, you made the right decision and nothing was your fault.
- Stronger Me
Dear Young Me,
Hold your own, know your name, go your own way..everything will be fine.
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
You'll fight with her. But in the end, she's your sister, your best friend. Love her while you can. She's suicidal. You're going to cut. Wounds heal, but scars last forever. Don't change a thing. Love your innocence and your best friend while you can. Don't forget. Be strong.
-Truly Scarred.
Dear Young Me,
Don't be fooled by the generic love shit they show in the movies.
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
No, you will never stop being awkward. Yes, people will learn to love you for it. You should too.
-Still not so graceful
Dear Young Me,
It will get better. Don't let him get away. Dont let her crumble. Just remember how strong you are.
- What A Difference A Year Makes.
Dear Young Me,
Don't spend years of your life hoping he will come back to you. Move on. Go to the college dining hall. You will meet the perfect guy there.
-Grateful I Got A Meal Plan
Dear Young Me,
Get. On. Depression. Meds. You shouldn't have to convince your mother that you've had a problem since you were 8.
-Still struggling