Dear Young Me,
He likes you. You like him. He just can't read the signs. Take the chance before he goes to college. Even if you just get one kiss, it will be worth it.
-Wishing I Tried
Dear Young Me,
You are talented. People think you aren't, but when you get that solo at theater camp, everyone will love it and realize you rock. Don't cry and waste time, just practice.
-Singing in the Rain
Dear Young Me,
The secret is LOVE.
be happy and live your life because its the only one you get.
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
When that geeky guy says he likes you, give him a try. Bad guys are losers who will lie to you and cheat on you. This geek truly likes you, don't be an idiot!
-Sincerely, Lost Opportunities
Dear Young Me,
You may have loved him then, but that doesn't mean you will never love again.
-Starting to get over him
Dear Young Me,
Letting him go will be your only regret, so don't. And in April 13, go to his house and save his life. Because all he needs to know is you love him more than anyone could.
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
don't do things you'll regret. think everything through because trust me, even now. you are still a beautiful virgin.
-still young
Dear Young Me,
You're going to settle. In two years, the boy you always liked is going to tell you he's always liked you and wants to change everything. If you settle you'll be in far too deep to get out. He's a good guy but the brunettes the one for you. He swears to it. Please don't make the moves I made.
-He's nice but he's not right