Dear Young Me,
Yes, dropping out of your dream college was the worst decision EVER, but it may have saved your life.
-Slighty older, far more happy Me
Dear Unconfident Me,
Go for your first choice. Don't aim lower, because you might find out later that you could've had the one you wanted, but it's too late now.
Dear Young Me,
Cherish the times you were young and careless, cherish the times you spent rolling down the green hills at your grandfather's farm and cherish your childhood, because after that... it's all downhill from there
-Older, wiser, not-so-mature, ME
Dear Young Me,
Don't try to please everyone. You will waste your time and end up not having fun yourself. Not everyone has to be your best friend. You don't have to be nice to people you don't like. Most of them will be out of your life in a year. Tell it like it is, you'll feel wayy better.
-Almost graduated me
Dear Young Me,
Don't make up past relationships to seem cool. Anyone you try to impress isn't worth it and you will eventually meet the boy you will fall in love with without the heartbreaks.
-Post-high-school me
Dear Young Me,
Dating someone you don't know to well isn't a good idea.
Breaking it off with someone you do, is worse.
-Signed, Single
Dear Young Me,
texting doesn't fix everything
-Signed, Technology still sucks
Dear Young Me,
Before going out with the guy, ask his past 3 girlfriends why they broke up. If its along the lines of "He was cheating" or "He's liked this girl for years but is trying to get over it" well, I'm pretty sure you know what to do even at 15.
-Douche just got slapped