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Dear younger me,
 She will always be the favourite - Daddy's girl, the popular one, the beautiful one. You're the studious, adventurous, courageous, independent one. You always wanted to be her. She'll never tell you, but she wishes she were more like you.
-2 years, 11 days older
Dear Young Me,
 I know you like him, but don't send him that racy pic he asked for. He's not gonna delete it like he promised, and the whole team will have it by the end of the week.
-From, older and wiser you
Dear Young Me, ,
  dont fall too fast, it WILL leave bruises.... but one day you will find that hero to come and catch u from the fall.
-love, Experienced Me
Dear 16-year old me,
 I know you're dreaming about this singer all the time and guess what: in about 20 years you'll have the most incredible romance with him! Unfortunately it won't last. But hey, your dream came true.
-Older, still amazed, me.
Dear Loser, ,
 Stop being such an awkward loser and tell her you like her as if you mean it. Otherwise graduation will come before you know it and you'll regret all the missed opportunities.
-Signed, Still Awkward
Dear Young Me,
 I know you've wished we didnt live time after time but hang on there is a beautiful life waiting for you
-Much happier me
Dear Young Me,
 Go ahead an ask the cute guy on the internet out. I know it seems weird because he's a decade older, but you'll end up getting married and having a beautiful son together. He'll even work for your father's business!!
-Love, Married and Happy Me
Dear Young Me,
 Dont worry about how your dad called you stupid and said that you would graduate on time you did and your beautiful!
-Slightly smarter
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