Dear Young Me,
When you go to college, don't bring the boy with you. You'll have more fun without him ;)
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
Don't go back to him. Don't believe the voice in your head that says it was your fault. It wasn't. You don't need him. Love yourself and it will all work out.
-Fixing mistakes from the past
Dear Young Me,
Don't let your friends set you up with blind dates. They suck at picking guys.
-older me.
Dear Young Me,
If you hear noises coming from Mom's room, stay out!
-Can't unsee some things.
Dear Young Me,
You're not cool. Quit trying so hard.
-Still Not Cool
Dear Young Me,
You know the girls that made you cry throughout middle and high school? You will be way more happy and successful than they are, so stop crying and enjoy life.
-Signed, happier than ever before
Dear Young Me,
Don't do things with people because you want to feel loved. Do things with people because you do feel loved.
-Signed, Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
Stop being so hard on yourself. Nothing comes from being so self conscious and shy. The world only opens up when you do.
-Older Me.