Dear Young Me,
Stop going back to him. When he says he loves you remember that you still have that black eye and keep walking. In 3 years you find a man who actually does love you. Oh yeah, ride the ferris wheel. Definatly ride the ferris wheel.
- Happily married older you.
Dear Young Me,
No, razor blades are NOT your friend. They never have been and never will be.
Dear Young Me,
Spend more time with mom.
-Wiser now
Dear Young Me,
Wait for the perfect woman. She's out there. Don't settle. Don't.
-Found her.
Dear Young Me,
You can't fix everything, but almost everything can fix itself if it's given time.
-Still Young and Learning
Dear Young Me,
He's going to tell everyone that you're a horrible person, but trust me, your true friends are going to stand by your side like no other.
-Older Me
Dear Young Me,
You are in for a hell of a ride!!! just enjoy :)
-life rider
Dear Young Me,
Don't try to fit in, just be yourself. You end up becoming a fool. Trust your heart, and value what you have. Everything is going to be alright.