Dear Young Me,
Stop trying to help everyone. HELP YOURSELF
-Older Me.
Dear 13-Year Old Me,
The stranger they just introduced at your sister's 6th grade orientation will change your life more profoundly than anyone you've ever known.
-Don't be Afraid
Dear Young Me,
Don't be afraid to ask for what you want in the bedroom. You will love it when she says yes!
-She will say YES, A LOT.
Dear Younger Me, ,
You have spent much of your life unhappy and alone. You think its because you are 100 + pounds overweight and will never lose the weight. You think you will never get a boyfriend. You think you've messed up too much to get into a good college. Well guess what? You were wrong about everything.
-A Older and Much Happier You
Dear Young Me,
You know those pretty girls who whored themselves around in high school and won the attention over the guy you like? They're now single moms and never made it to college. I'm still laughing about it :D
-College graduate
Dear younger me, ,
You are gay and it's okay. Now go be happier sooner.
-Much happier me
Dear Young Me,
Stop stressing about boys. You will get the most important kiss of your whole life right.
-Still kissing him 20 years later