Dear Young Me,
Just ask her out already. You're never going to know how she really feels any other way.
Don't forever wonder.
-CAD Buddy
Dear Young Me,
Keep your chin up, kid. You're going places.
-Just look where you're at now!
Dear Young Me,
Don't let what other people will think stand in the way of what you want.
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
Don't miss your chance. The following two things come only once: a girl like her, and December 31st, 2009. Don't forever wonder.
-Malcolm MacAllister's alter-ego
Dear Young Me,
Make your parents get that divorce before you get into high school. It just gets harder the longer you wait, and you'll feel better when they stop fighting for good. You and mom can manage just fine without him.
-So much better than before.
Dear Young Me,
Just let it go now. Once he leaves, he'll be done. 3,000 miles makes a lot more of a difference than you both think may think.
-2 watsed years of your older self
Dear Young Me,
The moment you stop looking and the second you stop trying to make everything fit together perfectly is when you meet the best guy and make the most beautiful masterpieces.
-Signed, Older me
Dear Young Me,
If you're upset about something that can be changed, change it. If you're upset about something that can't be changed, learn to live with it. You won't be happy until you decide you want to be. Oh, and it does get better :)
-See you soon.