Dear Young Me,
Don't go straight to university after high school. Live at home and go to community college. Hopefully then you won't flunk out, get assaulted twice, get knocked up, lose that baby, and end up never going back to college.
-Listen to parents about college
Dear Young Me,
Don't doubt the existence of God based on bad humour and bully-boy tactics. Make up your own mind based on experience - you'll be happier in the long run.
-Older me
Dear Young Me,
Youre not as smart as you think you are. You fall into the same trap as every other girl, even after promising you wouldnt. Never underestimate anyone, theyre all capable of lying... It turns out alright in the end.
Dear Young Me,
Thank you for leaving behind a big negative city, to persue even bigger dreams. You saved yourself.
-Love, A survivor.
Dear Young Me,
When your friends and family tell you that one day u will meet the ONE,your soulmate and there is someone on this earth only for u - dont believe it . It may not happen to you - but you know what u CAN and WILL still be happy
- older and still single at 40 me
Dear Young Me,
You should've put those scissors down.. now you have a lot of explaining to do when people ask you what happened to your arm. Life really wasn't that bad. don't BE
-Love, a stronger, wiser, older you
Dear Young Me,
I know that you thought that he was "the one." But at the end of the summer he leaves you, and he breaks your heart. Just take a deep breathe and remember who's still standing at your side. And think of all those who still love you. You're heart heals.
-Slightly older, Me.
Dear Young Me,
You don't have to cry yourself to sleep because of what they said about you. In a few years you will have experienced opportunities of a lifetime and be truly happy. :)
-Older ME