Dear Scared Young Self,
You came out of the closet, and so did Mom. It's worth it.
-Out and about Self
Dear Young Me,
People come in and out of our lives for different reasons. Don't fight it.
-listen to your parents
Dear Young Me,
Spend as much time as you can with Mom..there isn't much left.
-Older Me
Dear Young Me,
Material possessions matter not at all. What matters is the love we give to our friends and family. When we are gone, how much we are missed and how long we live on is a reflection of how well we have loved. Work hard at love, all else is worthless.
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
It doesn't necessarily get better. Some people will always judge you by whom you love rather than who you are. Stay strong and know that your struggle is part of a great movement.
-A Fighter
Dear Young Me,
You made all the right decisions. You're heart gets broken over and over but its all so you end up here. Make all your mistakes because they make you better.
-Battered beaten but stronger me
Dear Young Me,
Don't pay attention to what the media defines as "beautiful" and "sexy." One day you will stop making yourself skinny and learn to love your body and accept it.
-Sincerely, Older Me