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Dear Me that still has her,
 tell her to go to the doctor. she's hurting and won't let anyone know. you'll miss her every day once she's gone.
-me without her
Dear younger Elliot,
 Don't worry if I get upset that you don't believe in love. You'll eat those words in a few months. I promise I won't be smug about it.
-It's our anniversary soon!
Dear Young Me,
 Don't let the opportunity to have a beautiful relationship pass you by because you are too afraid of a broken heart. It's too cliché anyways.
-You end up together anyways.
Dear Young Me,
 Stop trying to please everyone. It will destroy you.
-The still trying, older you
Dear Young Me,
 You know you deserve better. Trust that you are enough. Because you are. :)
-Liberated Me
Dear Young Me,
 Start drinking at an early age so you don't look like a loser when you get wasted off of 1 beer at college.
-Freshman year was rough
Dear Freshman Me, ,
 High School is a joke. Go outside and have fun. Don't get so stressed out. Make friends. Get in trouble. Things will be okay.
-Me, Graduated.
Dear Young Me,
 I know you thought you would never love anyone as much as you loved him. You were wrong. You only loved who you wish he was. Loving someone for real is much, much better. Trust me.
-Older me
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